Family Guy Scratch Cards
Family Guy Scratch Cards
99 in stock
Family Guy is an American animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, which first premiered in 1999. The show follows the Griffin family, which consists of the bumbling yet well-meaning father Peter, his wife Lois, their smart and sarcastic daughter Meg, their rebellious and fun-loving son Chris, their talking baby Stewie, and their anthropomorphic dog Brian. Set in the fictional town of Quahog, Rhode Island, the show blends surreal humour, pop culture references, and irreverent satire, often breaking the fourth wall with cutaway gags. Known for its edgy, offbeat humour and controversial themes, Family Guy has become a staple of adult animation, earning both praise and criticism over the years, but maintaining a loyal fan base. The show's unique blend of absurdity, character-driven humour, and social commentary has cemented its place in modern pop culture.
Scratch Cards
Size: A5
Number of Squares - 1-20
178 x 210 mm approx.
Scratch cards to help you raise money for your business, charity or event.
each unit sold will receive cards either of the same design or a randomly picked set, based on the buyers selection at the checkout.
These cards have been designed & created by me BeDezired and are not available any where else.
they make a change to the usual- guess the name of the teddy or football teams and are perfect for small businesses and charity fund raising events a like.
- No Need for Raffle Books or Tickets – All you need is one card and a pen.
- No Time Wasted Folding Tickets for a tombola– Write the names directly on the draw card.
- No Need for a Draw Bucket – Simply scratch to reveal the winner.
- No Confusion with Numbers, Failed Claims, or Redraws – The winner's name is clearly displayed on the card.
- Tamper-Evident Reveal – Ensures a fair and transparent process.
1. write the date on the card.
you must try and fill the card and scratch off to reveal the winner as close to the starting date as possible - if you plan to do this at a later date please make all participants aware in advance.
2. Stake, is the amount you would like each person to pay for choosing 1 character.
3. Prize, is the amount or item they will win if they selected the winning character item or symbol.
4. take payments as you fill the card out and write the persons name & number if applicable on the image/s they have selected and paid for.
5. once all payments have been made, scratch off the winning area to reveal the winner.